Get radon testing results in as little as 48 hours. We offer radon testing in Portland using highly accurate NRSB & NRPP approved continuous radon monitoring systems.

We also offer a comprehensive total radon testing, where 5-10 radon tests are put throughout a house to test each room. Please call or email with inquires about this. The machines are highly accurate and can detect temperature, humidity, and movement, in addition to radon gas levels which can be used to detect tampering or cheating.

Radon testing in Portland

Get results immediately at the end of the test. Our highly accurate contionious monitors can get a representative average so you can decide if radon mitigation is needed.

Get your test results right away

Due to the prevalence of radon in the soil around town many homes have high test results. The source of radon is uranium in the soil and the concentration of this can change significantly over short distances. This uranium has become incorporated into the soil mainly via the Missoula floods.

These floods came mainly along the path of the Columbia river as shown in the LIDAR image thanks to the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. You can see this image below and learn from the Oregon Live article on it.

Radon is everywhere

The eradioactive element radon emerges consistently from the soil as a product of radioactive decay. Radon will penetrate concrete, plastic, and all other building materials. A passive or active radon system is the only way to mitigate high radon levels. The EPA recommend that homes and businesses get testing for radon.

The distribution of uranium in the soil can vary significantly over distance. Homes next door to each other can have greatly different levels of radon gas. Both because of distribution and because of building construction. Homes that allow more airflow between the living space and the soil tend to have lower indoor radon levels.

Radon testing in Portland is important to anyone who hasn’t done it. Radon can cause permanent lung damage and it is present in most homes in the Portland area. Learn more about what radon is and why it is a danger from the EPA, here.

Get a radon test from Rush Locates

Schedule a radon test today. See our normal working area. Radon testing from Rush Locates costs $150 and you can schedule it at the same time as an oil tank search if you call 503-939-9585.

Radon tests are only valid if ‘closed building conditions’ are maintained during the duration of the test. These conditions aim to test the normal concentration of radon in the home. To create these closed building conditions follow the following directions:. Get a

  • Shut exterior doors and windows except for normal entry and exit
  • Fans or AC units the bring in air from the outside are to remain off.
  • Don’t use fireplaces, wood stoves, and whole house fans that disrupt the normal flow of air.
  • Use heating and cooling should normally except AC units which bring in outside air. Temperature should approximate normal living conditions.
  • Maintain ‘closed building conditions’ for at least 12 hours before the start of the test.

Cost of Radon Test

A radon test in Portland normally costs $150. If the above ‘closed building conditions’ are not met during the radon test the test can be rescheduled for the same price. If the site-contact fails to arrive for set-up or pick-up then there will be a $50 service fee.

History of Radon in Portland – LIDAR Showing Path of Missoula Floods

lidar maps and information of portland area

A building needs to maintain “closed building conditions” for at least 48 hours to get an accurate radon test result. These conditions must be met for 12 hour prior to the test being started.

The temperature must be representative of livable conditions. Heating and cooling systems should be used normally in most cases.

Radon is a radioactive element that can be present in the air inside some buildings. It comes from the ground and penetrates the building material where it can be inhaled and cause lung damage. Testing the radon gas level is done with a machine.